Sep 20, 2010

Deleting Groups

Deleting Groups is a bit tricky.

Currently, if a group contains members, I don't allow the user to delete it. In the future, I'll provide a nice GUI for users to either reassign or delete members who belong to a group they want to delete. All members must belong to at least one group.

If there are events tied to a group, this gets trickier. Suppose the user wants to delete a group. The system searches for all events assigned to that group. If the event is tied to other groups as well, the system unassigns the event from the group to be deleted, but keeps it assigned to the other groups. The system also keeps all attendance marks associated with that event.

If the event is not assigned to any other groups, the system will delete the event, along with all attendance marks assigned to it. This seems to be working correctly but it could probably use a few quality hours of QA testing.

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