I just can't say enough good things about this framework. I would NEVER attempt writing a web app without a framework of some kind. I've tried CodeIgniter as well, but CakePHP wins. No question.
Yesterday I got the validation working for the Add User page. Today, I'm working on the Manage Users page and the Edit User use case. I probably won't have time for Delete User today but that's next on my list.
After that's all done, I'll spend some time refactoring and then move on to authentication.
I've been thinking about security right from the start. I already have bulletproof measures in place to prevent against SQL Injection and XSS attacks, but I haven't put defenses up against CSRF attacks yet. The authentication functionality will solve that problem. Eventually I want to implement HTTP throttling as well, but that can wait until later. I'll be using that, CAPCHAs, and robots.txt to try to mount at least a measly defense against bots.
I'll also build anti-framing defense into the site to make it more difficult for other sites to put mine inside of a frame or iframe.
I've been jQuery plugin shopping too. I love jQuery just as much as I love Cake. It makes UI development so easy.
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